

Don't look at the surface...
Look deep within my soul...
Can you see, can you see
the truth...
That which I wish to hide...

Do you see it reflected in
my eyes???
Can you hear the voice
screaming to get out...

I guess you don't...

As i'm bound by shackles
I placed on myself...
I locked her away where
even I can barely hear her...
I dare not visit her for i'm
afraid she might bind me...
We would be locked in together,
or become one and break free...

I'm ashamed of her so I
keep her hidden...
Afraid she might scare others
by her painful cries...
Afraid that she might shatter
and break me with her...
Afraid that she'd be treated

Pitied... Or ostricized...

I keep her hidden even though
she's the broken me....