

much like the indifference to worldly matters as in an ascetic
plus the rebelliousness of a defiant heretic
I'm on the verge of a breaking point that'll only make me appear either like some disillusioned fanatics
who later got to know the futility of all those spiritual practices
which they were induced to follow since the day they were born
leaving all of them to ask themselves was that whole thing even worthy of a thought....

cuz all our lives we are made to follow blindly the system since the very beginning
maybe the algorithm they fit into our minds through the toons,the film screenings
the textbooks,the stuff we used to think was quite cool and happening
and now that this internet and social media thing has taken over the World like the multinationals be fattening
us on some materialistic weed
like the swines raised on ad lib feed
in a farm before slaughtering
them en masse just for other's taste buds and
since I'm now aware of the system's devilish designs, I can't withstand...

the fact that all of us are mere statistics to those in the authorities
and maybe I'm way too consumed in my own insecurities
to see the larger truth or way too disillusioned with the system though if course it is
one of the the side effects of a thinking brain that the unseen and unheard of atrocities
of seemingly unrelated beings become relatable only to those who long have been victims of all of these post modern tragedies
and they say the world has became a global village but next they would be looking to conquer galaxies
rather than address the problems of those of our own species with due respect to the diversity !!
© @unshakableabhishek