

I have travel from the Chancel-De-Say to the Arc-De-Triumph in Paris .. I have been a gladiator fighting for my life in the historic Coliseum in Rome .. I have walked the winding brick mountain paths of the Great Wall of China .. I have tried to discover the circular rocks of the mystery of Stonehenge .. I have cooked some of the finest cuisine eaten taught to me in Sicily .. I have viewed some of the most priceless masterpieces in the Louve .. I have riveted the steel an metal frames of the Twin Sears Towers .. I have discovered more passages to riches within the Pyramids of Gaza .. I have watered many species of plant life in the hanging gardens of Babylon .. I have traveled by boat up the many river branches of the Amazon .. I have sat on the throne in the Imperial palace of the Forbidden City .. I have sculpted many the life size stone figurines of Easter Island .. I have found what is the mythical lost city of gold in El Dorado .. I have helped mold the course of the flow of the natural Niagara Falls.

So now, as I stand here and take a drink from the Fountain of Youth, I think about all the worlds treasures that still yet have to be found, but in body, in soul, and in heart I have captured loves greatest quest, as everyday looking at you, knowing I have my wonder of the world.
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