


There’s something sneaking up on us
It’s watching us but we can’t see it.
Shh...! can you, can you hear that?
It's here right behind us
"Grrrrrr...! grrrrrr...!" woe to us!
This is not the beast of fairytale stories,
we heard lamentations from our contemporaries.
This predator has escaped from the wild for centuries.

It is angry, roaring like flash of thunder.
No one has ever seen it with eyes of flesh.
Woe, our lives are at stake!
This predator is so vicious and heartless,
it devours every soul, from young to old.
It hunts down every soul, from slave to lord.

When we hear the word ‘predator’ we terrify.
It makes our stomachs boil instead of butterflies.
Predator, you attack us with pestilences.
Predator, you attack us with natural disasters.
Predator, you attack us with food shortages.
Predator, you attack us with sword.

The whole world is shaking b'cos of you.
Millions of souls died during world wars.
In Africa, millions are gone b'cos of starvation.
In Asia, millions are gone b'cos of tsunamis.
Another million gone during the Spanish influenza.

We can’t run a way from you, predator.
We can’t fly high away from you, predator.
We can’t hide ourselves from you, predator.
We can’t swim across oceans from you, predator.
We can’t even tame you as we do to the lion and the cheetah.
Woe unto us b'cos all our efforts are futile!

We don’t know anything about your biography.
Scientists don’t know your identity.
Clergy profess that you take us to heaven.
They portray you as a friend, but you're our enemy.
Billionaires can’t purchase you with money.
We live our lives in bitterness not with joy.

The predator wants us all dead.
We are as good as dead before the predator.
No one can escape from the predator’s claws.
Death – it's the vicious fearful enemy to all humans.
It reigns over us as a king of eternity.
But one day “death will be no more”
This promise can help us fear death no more.
Through the One who have power to seize death eternally -Amen!

Written by:
S'thembiso Sydney Msezane.

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