

ode to memories
the skies don’t seem authentic as they used to be
i remember the days waking up to the birds singing the song of life at rising
the sun making its grand entrance to greet everyone to a great day
the crisp summer air reassuring me of its natural beauty
living in a world we were promised, the future we never received is now just a mere memory…

i remember the days before being glued to a device
the days where we would go outside and enjoy the presence of one another till the sun gave the moon its chance to radiate its natural mystical glow within the stars
sitting around the green box was an understatement of excitement. an understatement of being present.

i remember the cold, frigid days before christmas break
the days where we would build the worlds best gingerbread mansion
the days where all kids came together to learn rudolph’s story, and how his differences made him unique
the joy and excitement before christmas day
the awe of the lights shining brighter all over yonder
giving hope to what we thought was a better future
a future that was not so far away.