

Between worlds!

A drop of sea, salt-kissed and free,
From ocean's expanse to sky's decree.
Heat's tender touch, it takes the leap,
Into the heavens, in clouds it'll keep.

A voyage unknown, through azure domain,
A dance with winds, a celestial chain.
Distance it crosses, a wanderer's grace,
Transforming its essence, in boundless space.

Clouds release tears in a rhythmic rain,
Salt to sweetness, a rebirth's gain.
Leaf's tender touch, a soft embrace,
Nature's miracle, in a destined place.

He meets an ant, needs, a drop of life,
Quest for trust amid daily strife.
Salty potion meets eager tongue,
Transformation blooms, a song unsung.

He meets the oyster, pearl's birth in swirl,
The salty tear, it forms, a treasure to unfurl.
In oyster's heart, a secret unsealed,
A pearl takes form, in years revealed.

He meets winds, a whispered song,
Dewdrop forms, where nights belong.
Salty touch turns pure and true,
Winds' embrace, a morning's dew.

He meets light, a radiant sight,
Colors bloom, in prisms of light.
Rainbow emerges, transformation grand,
Raindrop's journey, on nature's hand.

In raindrop's tale, the truth we see,
It's not just who we are, where we are.
Our dreams are stars, our compass true,
It's where we want to be, that shapes what we do.

© davence_hackwell
#WritcoQuote #writco #poem #davence #Life&Life #Love&love