

ARTICLE : Independence day

ARTICLE : Independence day

We Indians affectionately call India our mother. Have you ever felt a shortage of love and warmth from our mother's embrace? If you rest in her arms, the ache will never leave your heart. Though we grow big, we remain her children. She has imparted the lesson of selfless love. She declared that love is the sole fuel for existence.

Even after gaining independence, there seems to be a sense of incompleteness. The reason is that the number of people who shed tears for the helpless is increasing. Girls Abuse, Rapists, Corruption has raised its head. The youth are seen wasting their time in indulgence... Something needs to change, and it needs to change now...

Despite having numerous courts, laws, and law enforcement, they are failing to provide adequate punishment for the perpetrators of crimes against women and girls. Even when the perpetrators are proven guilty, there is no law to castrate them.

Progressive India, but is progress only about economic growth, Road transaction, by cut trees, and achieved by exploiting the hard-earned money of the common people? name of GST, IT ... Why is this so? Is there no end to inflation, injustice, illegality, corruption, and exploitation?

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava