

Why the sudden show of love
When you abandon me when I was still alive
I am not here to stay forever
I’m born alone, I will die alone
When I die,
I hope there will not be too many tears
Have no idea who will be present in my funeral.

Why cry on something not present anymore
If you love me, show it when I am still alive
Not my dead body
You don’t care when I am alive
So, why should you show care when am died.
Don’t worry when I leave this world
I’m not a person you ever need
Don’t cry, you can’t miss me.

Love and celebrate me now, not when am gone
Don’t decorate my grave with loveliest flower
Decorate my heart, decorate my success
Appreciate me when am still here
A single rose in life better than a truckload of wreath
When I’m dead.

I’m still walking on earth with you
Why not commend my little effort in life
Impact in my little ways
There’s no need coming to stand by my graveside
Sharing crocodile tears
You never care when I’m still breathing
So, why so care when I’m no more
Do the whilst when I’m breathing .

I know those who show care
Love, kisses and help me
Will surely miss me
You don’t need to cry when I am gone
Help the needy, when you miss me
Cares for who doesn’t have enough
Direct your energy and effort on them
Don’t waste strength on crying for who is gone
Don’t cry for me all my pain is gone.