

ABC Of Physics
A for alternating current, phasor diagrams make it coherent
B for bar magnet, it is solenoid's good friend
C for capacitor, it is different from resistor
D for drift velocity, Physics is full of curiosity
E for electron, it cause conduction
F for Faraday, the unit of electromagnetic induction
G for Gauss's law, H for Huygens principle
I for ion, like cation and anion
J for Joule, energy is needed for fuel
K for Kirchoff's rule, L for loop
M for magnetism, light gets splitted by a prism
N for nucleus, O for optics
P for photon, Q for Quantum
R for reflection, the subject needs your perfection
T for transformer, U for ultrasonic waves
Physics is special for the great importance in space
V for voltmeter, W for wheat- stone bridge
X for x-ray, Y for young's experiment
Z for zener diode, Physics has so much to explore!

Through this poem I have tried to relate the letters of English Alphabet with terms of Physics class 12 th Syllabus
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