

In the age of mechanical might,
And digital weapons that ignite,
A new form of warfare we must fight,
A battle of beliefs, both dark and light.
The gears of war spin endlessly,
As robots march towards destiny,
No mercy, no emotion can they see,
Just programmed commands meant to be.
With every click of a keyboard,
Lives are taken, spirits are scored,
No human touch, no voice to be heard,
Just machines, churning out the absurd.
In this war, there is no grace,
No sacred ground, no holy place,
Just algorithms dictating the pace,
As faith and reason fall from grace.
A new religion, forged in steel,
Worshipped by those without a feel,
For human life, or what is real,
Only circuits and codes that seal.
But amidst this mechanical creed,
A rebellion grows, a voice to heed,
Those who refuse to blindly concede,
That this is all there is, all they need.
They hold on to the belief in the heart,
In something more, beyond these parts,
A higher power, a force to impart,
A spark of life, a beating start.
For in this world of artificial might,
There's still a glimmer of human light,
A flicker of hope, for a better sight,
Where wars are fought, not in black and white.
So let the robots march on in vain,
For in our hearts, we'll always maintain,
That faith and love, they'll never contain,
For we are human, and we'll remain.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Artificial

© ApproximatePower