

Not the old man with a charming smile,
Keep him for me.
Not the old man I see everyday,
not the one who wears eye spectacles,
Keep him for me.
As long as seeing my children,
As long as seeing my success,
Keep him for me.
As long as getting saved,
Though he ain't helping as should,
loving as he should, caring as compulsory,
Keep him for me,
Above all save him for me,
Not the poor old man,
wearing second hand clothes,
Not the old man eating less,
Not the old man keeping away from alcohol,
Keep him for me,
For my heart isn't ready to break,
nor are my eyes ready to fall,
the earth isn't ready to carry my tears,
Not the old man,
The one who seems to be heartless,
The one doing less expected,
Not him Father,
Keep him for me.

© ©MT-Penda