

Evening Landscape by the Sea Beach

In an evening twilight,
I stood still by the sea beach side.
With my hands open, breathing the air in,
Gazing at the big, blazing Sun,I could see.

The blaze of the adorable, red Sun falling,
On the azure sea.Its surface shining too
Like light and the great Star's light on the trodden sand, on the seashells lying nearby.

I could see the distant scene,
Of travellers, and of pilgrims.
Bathing,washing, splashing water,
O'er each other, making castles o'er the sand.

The yellow sea touched my sandy feet,
Waves washed them.I could hear the sound
Of the rising, falling tides,
And feel the calmness by the beach side.

Hurray! Nature is the best place,
To be surrounded by cause of its beauty.
Of its stillness and of glory,
Here, Lonliness does exist, yet there peace is.

© Samridhi Sahay