

Others put you down
many step on you
pushing you back on your rear
to where you start to fear
They taunt and laugh at you
calling you everything in existence
Where that moment life seems bad
Your value is important
maybe not to everyone, but there are who it is
family, friends, or none it matters
alone, with loved ones, or neither it matters
your talents
your abilities
everything about you
value never ever begins to change
only time it does change?
Is by your word and yours alone
people can talk about you
they can physically beat you
they can be complete assholes
unknowing of your pain it's caused
the only one stopping you from living is you
none have the power to do it, but you
your worth is defined by yourself
flaws, strengths and all, by you
feelings aren't final
they're mile stones to something bigger
guidelines to make you better
Yes it totally sucks to be hurt
it sucks to get bullied believe me
I've...seen it myself took me a long time to realize it's all up to me every day and night
to change all that
to channel those pains whatever they may be
into bigger, brighter things
"Your worth isn't defined by others opinions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, words ect. Just you and your own."
© constantflow inc.