

Where was your loyalty
She bared her soul, risking it all to prove her love one last time.

Tired of all the lies, she was willing to compromise

To give in, just one last night, to prove herself worthy before her final goodbye

Where is your loyalty, when you claimed that she was your wife
She stayed in bed giving you head and believing all the lies

You've seen her cry night after night, holding you in her arms

When you fell asleep at night, was it not enough that she was by your side

Every word you spoke gave her false hope, she was your joke so unprovoked

Where was your loyalty, when she cried and she pleaded
You left her in pieces, her heart just stayed bleeding
Her heart just stopped beating

You moved on to another lover, while she tried to slowly recover

Emptiness consumed her, but her love would always be there

She knows she isn't perfect, but at least now she knows she's worth it!

Where was your loyalty, when she found her strength to stand
She no longer needs your hand to hold her in the end
her heart will surely mend
and she will love again

© Veronica Stevens