

Elemental Harmony
Breathe in deeply, let your mind clear
Nature's symphony, draw it near
Four elements, in perfect grace
Invite you to this sacred space

Water, Air, Fire, and Earth merge in balance
To calm your spirit and realign
Close your eyes and hear their song
As we journey, come along

[Verse - Water]
Flowing gently, streams of blue
Ripples dancing, ever new
Ocean's whisper, lake's caress
In water's embrace, find your rest

Raindrops falling, soft and light
Cleansing spirit, day and night
River's journey, to the sea
Let water's flow, set your mind free

Elements in balance, find your peace
Let your worries gently cease
Earth and water, fire and air
Harmonize in nature's dream

[Verse - Wind]
Breeze so gentle, touching skin
Carrying whispers from within
Rustling leaves, in forest tall
Listen to the wind's soft call

Soaring high, on currents unseen
Through mountains, valleys, and ravines
Breath of life, in lungs so deep
Let the wind, your tensions sweep

Elements in balance, find your peace
Let your worries gently cease
Earth and water, fire and air
Harmonize in nature's dream

[Verse - Fire]
Flames that flicker, warm and bright
Dancing shadows in the night
Passion's ember, creativity's spark
Fire's glow to light the dark

Hearth's comfort, sun's embrace
Transforming power, leaving no trace
In fire's warmth, find your core
Let its energy your spirit restore

Elements in balance, find your peace
Let your worries gently cease
Earth and water, fire and air
Harmonize in nature's dream

[Verse - Earth]
Solid ground beneath your feet
Mountains tall where sky they meet
Fertile soil, life's foundation
Earth provides, in quiet elation

Ancient stones, with stories to tell
Grounding force, in which we dwell
Steady presence, through ages long
Earth's embrace, where we belong

Elements in balance, find your peace
Let your worries gently cease
Earth and water, fire and air
Harmonize in nature's dream

Water flows and wind whispers soft
Fire warms as earth holds aloft
Four as one, in perfect rhythm
Nature's balance, eternal wisdom

Breathe in deep, let tensions go
Feel the elements' gentle flow
In this moment, find your center
Let these peace and calm enter within you
© Magnus Stalhart