

The Story Of Ol' Tokyo
Once upon a time, a very long once upon a time ago, stood a village by the name of Ol' Tokyo. Ol' Tokyo was rich in soil, sun, and rain, but the only crop they tended to was that of wheat for grain.

The population of the village was only 55, as the other 50 people had gotten ill and died. Except one lady who was rarely ever seen, she went by the name of Ol' Mary Jane.

Now, you see, Mary Jane wasn't like the rest 'cause she loved to get high. She was also different 'cause she wanted no girl or guy. And if you happened to know her, you'd know why, but you always thought that far from the truth, a lie.

The villagers hated her because they barely knew who she was. They despised her for the fact she wasn't ever caught by the fuzz. Some have tried to find her house, on top of Glazing Hill, but no one ever could and no one ever will.

Until one day in the middle of June, when the sun was bright and the time was noon. An older couple by the name of Po and Lou decided to make Mary Jane the next taboo.

So they bought some land, Lou and Po. They found Mary Jane to and fro. The land was big, and wide, nearly almost dead. Until they bought some seeds to start their plants. And who do you think they bought them from? Why, Mary Jane of course, but the story's not done.

On a Monday morning, 5 years later, in the village of Ol' Tokyo. Villagers came after reading the papers to learn what they didn't know. 51 villagers, minus Lou, Po, and MJ, all gathered around a field of neverending green. Which they discovered to be Marijuana and suddenly all of them screamed.

"How could you do this to our rich soil?! How could you ruin this fine piece of land?! We shall run you out from this village and you three shall be banned!"

But that didn't stop them from what they had planned, all thanks to Miss Mary Jane. So Po grabbed the matches and Lou grabbed the can as they lit it all on fire that day. And they all three watched as the villagers got hi and none had anymore to say.

And as the story lives on, as a piece of history, that no one will ever forget. Thanks to two old people, a girl who blows smoke, and a plant that can get you all lit. Ol' Tokyo became the only village in the west that truly stands by their name.

As one Toke of their pot will make you go, "Oh!" Immediately after it's been smoked on the spot. Hence the name "Tokyo", which was given to it before all the villagers smoked pot.

© QueenWillow 070820