

Beauty Of Tradition
Constraints imposed by tradition.
The good, brilliant, and comprehensive soul,
Deserving respect and acclaim,
One that is conservative, straight, and narrow.
Constraints imposed by tradition,
A path well-trodden, a familiar rendition.
But within these boundaries, a soul does reside,
A brilliance that cannot be denied.

Deserving respect and acclaim,
For the strength of character, they proclaim.
A spirit that perseveres, against all odds,
Guided by values, deeply rooted in their hearts.

Conservative, straight, and narrow,
A steadfastness that others may borrow.
In a world of chaos, they find their way,
With principles that never sway.

But let us not forget, within these lines,
That even the brightest star sometimes shines.
For within the constraints, there lies a spark,
A longing for freedom, to leave a mark.

So let us embrace the beauty of tradition,
While allowing room for innovation.
For it is in the balance of old and new,
That the brilliance of the soul shines through.

© Dianne