

We've grown up hearkening the legends of immortal love and tacit recognitions,
Those with heartwarming endings and destined inevitable unions.
But is it only the odyssey of reciprocal lovers held as a connection preceding ages?
Are they the only ones worth turning into literature and keeping alive in pages?
While those with unfortunate circumstances are told that it was a life lesson to gain.
Aren't those one siders worthy too to be called past life lovers carrying ages of anguish and pain?

And if they are not to be called past life lovers,

Then how would you justify a tug so strong by a scant sight?
The invocation of a profound connection and it's recognition overnight.
Interaction with someone who makes it impossible to believe you don't know them from another life,
And even if that feeling isn't reciprocated, you clutch that affection and suffer a constant mental strife.

Since the history repeats itself perpetually in each lifetime, their stories will probably remain the same.
But they strives each lifetime just for the sake of their beloveds, knowing that their efforts are in vain.

I know it is indeed sounding ridiculous to you, if only you were empathetic enough feel it and tell,
But can you now see the possibility of all lovers subliminally finding their beloveds in other lives as well?
If you are still sticking to your logic and think it's unfeasible and unintelligent,
Can you accept that what you have with her is not an outcome of your deep love preceding ages, but just an accident?
But If now by any chance i have somehow convinced you to what I'm saying might be true,
In how many lives do you think I've found you knowing that I'll eventually loose you?

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© Sheetal Pokhriyal