


My heart was searching for that special kind of bliss,
Thinking someone else could make me truly happy,
But happiness will never come from just a single side,
If your belief is that, it will remain just a lie.

When all I needed was a smile, I was so blind,
That person never gave mine the worth I had in mind,
So I decided to take a journey of my own,
To find true happiness that will never be gone.

The more often I laughed, I could clearly feel,
A hint of my true happiness soon reveal,
The small things that make me smile, I started to see,
From things of everyday life that fill me with glee.

And in my journey, my solace I did find,
A person to be with me till my life unwind,
Someone I can always depend on and share,
The little joys that make us both feel truly alive and aware.

Now I can truly be happy on my own,
I'm not occupying any place not my own,
My heart and soul, free and full of bliss,
Has found its ultimate happiness, I must confess.
© Three