

knight of the night (reverence to mosquito alias Quito)
a thief in the night
moving in stealth
at the right time you'll bite
yanking off chunks of my wealth

if only I could give you tribute
and avoid more of your stamps
puny creature you distribute
plagues and torment behind lamps

you're nights precious warrior
guardian of its exterior
keeper of its interior
I sense on your part no demeanour
just grant me a sole wish
holy insect kindly distinguish
your torments. though I relinquish
how you blow out men's chattering
by your piercing whining
holy guardian of the night
save your torments till it's bright
where I can see you with the light
and put everything in the right
and I promise to make it light

how can tiny creatures
make men shout and howl?
why come you on our shores?
and get about you, scary myths and lores

loyal knight
of the dark night!
#fountaINK PENultimate
© benigreatest