

Love Illusion

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait...!
On my voices, I yell beyond my bounds, stretching my hands and legs, to tag along side the disguising companies,

This path I thought I could take, yet so real but fake, I tried to reach its peak, yet gone for nature sake,

I bought the universe, to secure your face, what a destination seen, yet can't be reached,

I tried as much, to keep in touch, yet my feeling, couldn't reach her dwelling, wooed, yet not all accepted,

A pure dote I approach her, hoping to be together, yet, not well treat, my caring, becoming, a burden, instead of to sotten,

What an illusion, leading to a desperse destination, what a waste, of taste, what a destination so closed, yet can't be reached,

I'm sadden, I'm hurt, all because of you, I thought of us two, but it was long dream, that can't be tream..

© Aniedi Victor David