


‏The realisation of the death what it feels like,
‏I just felt as the sky dropping down to the ground,
‏Without even knowing what's happening,
‏I just give up and fall from the roof,
‏But no one told what happens after death,
‏And I just lost my life because of me..

‏The wings I teared off from my back,
‏The blood that flowed through the ground,
‏I never bothered myself with my mind,
‏But just running behind something that made no sense,
‏I've been following all through my life,
‏Something that just showed what is fake...

‏Wasting all my time for something,
‏I really did nothing whole my life,
‏My time my life my breath I spent,
‏All for the humans out there but not for me..
‏Even in the last moment of my life that was fate,
‏I really haven't given a thought about myself...

‏In the battle between the fake and the real,
‏I lost the meaning of the life,
‏Seizing someone's heart I believed it's life,
‏But no one told me that is just a game,
‏That will drown me in the ocean,
‏That I create of my discomfort...

‏In each moment I spent in the earth,
‏I forgot about the self that I had,
‏Pretending that everything's going alright,
‏I really got better how to fake,
‏Always hiding from myself the fact,
‏That I only hated but not loved myself...

‏Realisations sometimes take long time,
‏That it may just struck you when you're on halfway of death,
‏When you're fighting for your life,
‏You realise you never spent time for you..
‏Always going after someone each time,
‏You forgot the realisation of loving yourself...


‏Just get the sense before the realisation stab you down...
