

You can't see.
Smile big,
Smile true,
Smile real.

Looking in the mirror,
I practice.
Before the start of every day.

"How are you?"
"Great!" I say

Bright clothes,
I'm a burst of joy.
People see,
no worries.
But they don't see me.

Family think I have a headache,
some think it's just
that time of the month.
But even when I explain.
It's not enough.

They don't believe,
there's something wrong with my head,
They don't think,
I wish to be dead.

Even when I tell them,
they tell me it's not real.
My period is just
Messing up how I feel.

Bloody hell,
What don't you understand
it's constant anger,
constant sadness
I'm the one feeling it first hand.

Fine don't believe me,
I'll be fine tomorrow anyway.
At least that's how you'll see it.
Because you can't believe it.

Lie awake at night,
Cry and cry and cry
Dry my eyes.

In the morning,
down the stairs,
"you alright"
"just didn't sleep well"

Back upstairs,
Getting ready for the day.

Smile big ,
Smile true,
Smile real.

Looking in the mirror I practice.