

A Poetic POV
You don't care for the beauty of her mind
Nor for the treasure that is her heart inside
You care too much for her physicality
And less of her honed mentality
You care more for her external itemed body
And Less of the fact she is a somebody

She's a normal human like me and you
And you wouldn't like it if she was your sister too
Who's jeered at and dehumanized
Reduced to reproduction and then despised
Nobody would like ever that
So why continue with knowing that fact?

"Bro look at her ass"
"Bro look at her body"
Like no stfu,
Look at her eyes,
Don't they shine?
Look at her smile,
Instead of being so hostile,
Look at her hair,
Isn't it pretty and fair?

Look more at how caring she is,
Instead of calling her a useless bitch.
Look at her personality.
And treat her with hospitality,
Look at how beautiful she is
For she wasn't born for your eyes
And if you do mind
"No" isn't a "yes" sign

© Luciano