

Hi! I am your undecided future.
Ah, undecided future, what a wondrous sight,
You hold the power to choose, with all your might.
Yet instead, you dawdle and hesitate,
Leaving opportunities to dissipate.

Like a ship lost at sea, without course or aim,
You wander aimlessly, playing life's game.
Oh, how ironic it is, dear undecided soul,
To possess such potential, yet refuse to be whole.

Your indecision, like a haunting ghost,
Mocks your ambitions, leaving you engrossed.
In a paradoxical dance, you sway back and forth,
Never committing, never giving life its full worth.

Sarcasm flows through your veins, oh undecided one,
As you watch others chase dreams, having their fun.
You mock their certainty, their unwavering path,
While you remain stuck, fearing life's aftermath.

But let me tell you, dear uncertain entity,
There's beauty in choice, in embracing serendipity.
You'll never know what lies beyond the haze,
If you continue on this stagnant, indecisive maze.

So rise, undecided future, take a leap of faith,
Embrace the irony, break free from this wraith.
For within your hesitations, lies the key,
To unlock a future filled with
© tobsdickey