



Silence maintained now burns,
The above I break in turns,
My good heart I crush,
The big bond I now smash.

Mine fine relatives I say,
This term can no longer stay,
Loving them, the feeling isn't same,
All my pain is caused by them.

Since dad left we've eaten pain,
Our suffering has been your joy,
Used to it we faked joy,
Mockery is what we had to gain.

Your bitter souls detest success,
Your poisoned tongue's spit evil,
Hate speech we pocket in excess,
Your words eating like weevil.

All corners you've stepped,
To bring us down your target,
To no avail you haven't stopped,
With God your target is hard to get.

Your jealous faces can't rest,
Downfall the word in your chilly mouths,
Your bitter saliva has no taste,
For you spit even in God's face.


*Part 2 loading*
© June Mwangangi (Zari)