

Poem on Bigbang
In the silence of the void, a spark unseen,
A moment beyond time where nothing had been,
A singularity burst with a cosmic bang,
The universe was born, its echoes sang.

From darkness came light, a radiant blaze,
A tapestry woven in primordial haze,
Galaxies spun from the dust of the night,
Stars ignited, casting their light.

Expanding horizons, the cosmos grew wide,
In this grand ballet, where mysteries hide,
Quarks danced together, forming the core,
Of atoms and matter, forevermore.

Nebulae blossomed in colors so rare,
Planets took shape with atmospheres fair,
In the heart of this wonder, a question profound,
The origin of all, where answers confound.

Was it chance or a will, an equation divine,
That sculpted the heavens, each star to shine?
The laws of physics, so precisely aligned,
Hint at a purpose, elusive to mind.

Yet in this vast universe, we ponder and dream,
Seeking the truth in the cosmic stream,
The Big Bang's whisper, an ancient lore,
Of creation's first breath, forevermore.

In the fabric of space, in the river of time,
We search for meaning, for reason, for rhyme,
The mystery of creation, a story untold,
In the heart of the cosmos, where wonders unfold.