

My journey via twists and turns...
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney.
I am not alone,
A bag of struggle is kept on me.
The bag is locked and the key is hidden within me.
My failures ,shortfall ,disappointments this is all , it contains.
I seldom open the bag because noone cares what I have.
Each time with the twist in road comes a challenging code.
If I somehow solve the mystery,
I stay for a while to keep it in my bag as my history.
If the mystery remains unsolved,
I have to stay on the road for long.
Everyone is striving for the triumph in the path,
The competition is cut-throat but I have to walk.
Or else I will be crushed by the people from back.
I am waiting for the twist ,
when I will gladly say ,"All I earned is because of the burden of my bag."

@Rolly9408 #life #WritcoPoemChallenge #WritcoPoemPrompt1 #write #writco #inspiration #lovelylife #lifeadvice #depression