

What I'm defined by.
I change myself for everyone to like me
I’m left with no remains of the old me
But I realized that they don’t like me, It was a tell they told that I allowed myself to believe
Trying to happy the crowd. My voice lowered itself until I was lost
Being filled with exhaustion, I let people's words define me
They gave me all these different names that cloud my brain.

Called me broken record
A record you play but you hear all what’s wrong with it
so you throw it away
to the bin right where it belongs.

A puzzle piece
That one puzzle piece that you look around for but can’t seem to find
you give up on looking for it
Put it out of your mind
Forgotten and to be replaced
The old one was sitting right in your face
easy to find but no one cares enough to look a little deeper.

A piece of jewelry turned gold
That one piece of jewelry that hides behind a shield and once you’ve played your games
it starts to reveal its true self
Something different, nothing like what you thought
Shame it for being something you don’t want.

A person who says something but then does the opposite
A person who indulges in hypocrisy.
A person who professes beliefs and/or opinions that they do not hold in order to themselves.

I let all these words define me.
Broken record
Puzzle Piece
Jewelry turned gold
And so many more that I just suck in
Till I’m ready to play again

I try to be the opposite of all those things but maybe that’s just me
Or the me that people don’t wish to see
The me that I was turned into because of their beliefs

I stay for everyone watching as they change for them
Telling them that they are fine how they are and I would never want them to change
Not the same when it’s flipped tho
For me, it’s completely different
Seen as I’m always told to change
Be different
We don’t like what we see, so I have to be a different me.
© Kyaira Donald