

Dreams of pain
What is this that alludes my mind.
Drowning in the fragrance of time.
My dreams of you race steadily fast.
Fight belive and our love will last.
Keep me safe so my demons do fade.
You have always held me & paved the way.
My days lastly have been the most darkest of greys.
Burning in the sun's blistering rays.
My heart was trapped in a dark abyss.
Lining my lips with a poisoning kiss.
Lord grant me the strength, I plead I beg.
Walk me in your arms and guide the way.
I'm stuck in the dark & light unseen.
With a soul that is tempered blistered green.
Please lord, hear my word of pain.
Release this soul that had me trapped in the rain.
Shine my light that wraps me in bliss.
Keep peace in my heart and steady my fist.
My heart is falling in desire.
Turning to ash in its burning fire.


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