

A beauty beyond what words declare.
In the fleeting bus ride of chance we met,
A moment's glimpse, a face I can't forget.
Your innocence adorned in gentle grace,
Captured my heart in that confined space.

Your presence, a breath of fleeting air,
A beauty beyond what words declare.
I stole glances, hoping you would see,
The admiration stirring within me.

Each passing mile felt like a stolen dream,
As I yearned for the journey's softest seam.
Wishing time to stretch its tender hand,
To linger longer in that wonderland.

But alas, my station beckoned, cruel and near,
And I departed with a silent tear.
Yet our eyes met in a final exchange,
A smile that bridged the silence, strange.

Was it a greeting or a sad adieu?
A connection felt, yet split in two.
You vanished into the bustling crowd,
Leaving me with memories, silent and proud.

If only I could convey in words anew,
The depth of my admiration for you.
For in that bus, amidst the fleeting sight,
You were a muse that lit my lonely night.

So here, in verse, I bid my heart's decree,
To the girl whose fleeting grace I see.
Though our paths may never again align,
Your innocence in memory will forever shine.
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