

It becomes difficult to live,
If u r being told that you are unwanted.
As if every breath is a violation
Of an order to which we once belonged.

It becomes difficult to live
When the only words u hear
Tells You Are Not Enough.
Not enough intelligent, not enough thin, not enough beautiful, not enough obedient.

It becomes difficult to see,
If the only thing you see is the dew dorps on your eye lashes.
Like the blurry vision life turns to fade Into a continuously nagging memory of being unwanted.

It becomes difficult to hear
If the only sound you hear are the jeers of the judges and constant sobs of regression, defeat and feeling useless.
Life becomes a fearsome chapter that
you want to end but u want to live as well.
To belong to the order you once belonged.

It becomes difficult to think ,
If the only thought that cross your mind is that you are not perfect.
U are unwanted.
U long to reenter the order but you are not good enough.

© ruple