


Growing up, I don't think I had that one toy that I cried over. I had things to play with, and with time, I got a couple of dolls but I think I had them because other girls bought them.

Before that, I played with car bricks that we had made with my cousins as there was a nation of us, and buying toys that much would be costly.

When I got to grade 12 on my birthday, I got my first teddy bear. I called her Skylar and she is 5 years old this year. Skylar has been the love of my life.

She is more like a baby to me. I fight for her, cry on her, talk to her, and about her to other people and my family knows how much I cherish her.

Skylar has been memories. Memories stored, the frustration felt, happiness crowned and she has been company when friends became strangers.

You could say she is my even, my constant. She taught me how to cuddle, and what it means to hold on and be a baby behind closed doors. And after God, she is my confidant. My mini hero, and yes, I kiss her goodbye when I head out to work and I tell her love her to bits in Chinese, and when I feel fancy, I say it in English.

And if she could speak, I hope she would say good things about me cause I have loads to say about her.

And with time willing and bidding, I'd hope she is teddy bear to be passed generations down.

Wo ai ni Sky. Wo de mama zhen de ai ni.

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