

Not meant to be
I realized life is not what it seems that sometimes everything that I thought I wanted and dreamt was was meant I realized that it was not meant to be
I want to fall in love so easily look for love in partner not realizing that God show me that love is not from a man it from him I learn that without God guidance and his commandments I would be lost in world things that my life has a purpose that I might not have things I have but I'm blessed with what he given me freedom from the enemy I don't have my child father in my life it was not meant to be
I don't want to live in world sins and lies and corruption I want to be who I was meant that been what god wants me to be . I learn. life has up in down but god will always restore what the devil stole and shelter me from my enemies and the devil plots and twist . I refuse to fall back in the pits I want to be a new me no matter what the enemy lies he spreads or snare he and obstacles he throws I know my Lord Jesus Christ my Savior will protect me no matter what God gave his only forgotten son to died for my sins and I keep push and walk and never going back to the enemies again. If not meant to be then it not meant to bed