

Just Right?
Lonely by a river, I saw her looking at me, eyes pierced on me with admiration.
She asked, "You look great. I see you've gained a little weight. Isn't that great?"

Admiration quickly turned to envy as she searched my body, scanning left to right then to hers disgusted she said, "As you can see, I am very skinny, skin and bones is what am known as the most, but you your pretty the perfect example just right not skinny nor fat just right, why can't I be just right?"

I stared right back at my reflection, "but it's not enough, "we want more, we crave more ,what is just right?" I asked myself reflection. " Now I have curvy thighs, small waist and petite face, but I still i crave more, the longing to know what is just right?"

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