

Amber Flames of a Phoenix
...she returned from the vapor, brighter. Pronouncing each word spoken with a new voice. Every syllable colored with flame and passion. A fearless heart would be there to bow under the gift of another day when the sun would rise and set for her. Entwined within those cadence of words is every granted wish, every thought and the gathering of all promises. Poems written tell of a lost dream that others left behind, mistaking stone for gold, lies for a soul. Those that could neglect this manifest of beauty, those that gave in to fear. Never to walk with this angel on earth, in unison they are alone. She is the sharpest light shining from a incandescent moon. A gradient blend of turquoise and purple ignite the sky with radiant hues. The lunar beauty that hangs like a portrait, painted by the stories inside an ancient soul. In between what is seen and what is felt, inside the moments that you cannot hold, outside of everything imagined, she is there. In my words, as I close my eyes, still seeing the flames; reading the future, writing without thinking. Silently whispering to mirrors that think of her , compiling pages to document this beauty, hope and perseverance of life. Forever in her heart, never growing dark. Until this world will no longer turn, I ignite this Phoenix...burn, baby......burn.
© Midian