

Pie in the Sky Dreams
Endless highways of misdirected means,
To walk along the lonely street of dreams,
To live in a world where nothing is as it seems,
And take pursuit of pleasure to extremes...
If pleasure goes hand in hand
With pain and screams
Or is that just my dreams?
Nothing is as it seems, that's true
But the waking world sucks equally too
Just a rollercoaster ride of mistakes
And one final slip up is all it takes
To be seen in perpetuity
As one they love to hate
That is your Goddamn fate....
The broken, the sworn off
Neglected, unloved
Get dealt a losing hand
Castle made of Sand
Gotta love Karma's messed up plan
Here's the tools you'll need to fail
Then go slip on it, we want you impaled
For how could you do that; you filthy rat?! Pie 🥧 in the sky... Imagine that!
© JoyWhitsonBell