

A Temporary Journey to Happiness
Cold Skies and the chilled wind,
Pushed my Anxiety and Problems away.
I still remember that day,
Travelling on the big iron bird.
On my way to temporary joy,
with none to irritate or annoy.
The night sky was aglow with bright city lights,
My face was enlightened with delight.
My eyes cried the tears of happiness,
My mind filled with joy and my heart impressed.
My smile lasted for half a century of days not years,
My eyes were filled again with Saddened tears.
I travelled the Big iron bird to my pity.
But this moment it was not for joy,
But for the moment I bid goodbye.
Returning back to my vicinity.
I asked God will i see those days again and said,
And The Days I wanted to see again
For which I wish I had a Time machine.
To Smile Again.
© K.Mohammed Aqhib