

White privilege
Today, I want to give thanks to all white men!
Clap your damn hands while reading this!
Take out your fancy, over-priced champagne!
Eat your bland dinner!
'A white man can't be a sinner.'

Everywhere I go, I see white.
I see it in their eyes.
The way they scrub their skin.
The way they pretend to fit in.
Their eyes are too slanted, so more plastic damage.
You can't fuck another man, so another unhappy marriage.
Divorce, tantrum, murder.
The white man's favorite storyline.
Read E. Rodger to your boys before bedtime.

Daddy couldn't grow up, so his kids had to suck it up.
The kids pretend to be activists.
Meanwhile, they discriminate against the black kid.
But they listen to his music!

"Don't you see?!"
"I also listen to that, 'gangster rap'."
"I'm hip and swag!"

A white boy puts on a collar then gets to fuck the principal's daughter.
A black boy takes out his lunch.
Detention is then suspension within a month.
And you tell me you're the victim?

You're the one pinned against a wall?
The one always assumed to be a criminal?

It's even worse if you're gay because the white ideology still remains.
Destroying the black community.
They toss out the 'fags' like a running gag.
Deadbeat dads have always been the fad.
Capitalism is the newest trad.

But... let's blame it on the minorities, right?
The people who clearly run the country.
The people who aren't obviously shot on sight.
Murdered at night.
Taken as a joke, and their commentary as a social plight.
What the world needs is more white knights!

I'm going to be Frank.
This is who you are.
You are a bitch.

The moment a new popular opinion arises,
You switch.
Daddy snitched. He slammed mommy, then left.
Now you have anger issues
but can't cry yourself to bed.
you watch stupid propaganda by other white men.
Thinking you are somehow wise because of them.
In the end, you are not smarter nor more knowledgeable.

You are a racist
who can't recognize the legacy
you took from black greatness.

© DolorTheDaimone