

A Clown-O-Metry 💔
A long ago, There was,
a Clown,"Bob", Who
Fails to earn money,
B/c he wasn't funny!

He bargained with life,
For a single penny,
Yet, He begs at eve,
For his void tummy!

The so-called Hero of de,
Stage, was in de pain
None having idea of,
Behind the curtains!

Colorful wigs & dresses,
is what he cherish,
Long boots & Hats,
are going to perish!

The magic tricks, he does if,
were real, then he've
Tranfromed his fate,
More then into pearl!

Painted tears rolls over,
His frail cheeks & de,
Tickling of clock took,
Over his silent weeps!

Everyone's wanna watch,
But, no came to pay,
All hopes of survival,
Shape as molded clay!

Mirror is his Bestfriend,
& some painting darts,
He is all alone having,
Wrinkles within his heart!

Day by day, his life was,
Turning dull & duller,
Whom earlier was a,
kaleidoscope of colors!

He's not scripted or Fake,
And not perfect too,
Only a human Being,
Living his life tough!

Do making others laugh is,
A crime or a sin?, then
Stop casting pudding,
Tomatoes at my skin!

He was surely the best,
Fool in the town as,
Not everyone can be
A good as de Clown!

The man at the Street is,
Making others laugh,
Sadly, none came to,
Ask about his scars!

People often calls him the,
The master of failure,
So on; But he uncaring
B/c The show must go on!

The thread of my tale has,
Passed its final knit, all
I want to say we all've,
A clown inside us, all we,
Need is to just paint it!

- By Raj Kashyap...

© @kashyapraj3010