

These Dreams...
Such things should never be shared.
Such horrors should remain at bay, hidden, kept under lock and key...
A sense of agony and guilt becomes me whilst I write, as the disclosure of these abominations is a crime in and of itself...
Alas, I am weak.
My stoicism, sadly, avails me not -and so, I must.
Please forgive me.
Although I must share, I advise you to read no further..as I believe these visions are given to me by some malevolent entity.
Its sole purpose to spread to others like some kind of spiritual contagion...

This entity... the one that seems to be presenting these "visions" to me, has appeared to me in my dreams before.
I recall the last.
He kept his back to me, as I tried to see his face by walking around him in circles.
The entity rotated in place, perfectly keeping his back to me... whilst my loved ones also present in the dream, were fixed firmly in his gaze..
Maintaining a barrier between me and them, blocking my view with his body.
As I was pulled from my dream state, I turned away and was being pulled upwards (I guess towards consciousness) and thinking that maybe, since he thought I was leaving, his guard might be down and I could catch a look at his face (and flip him off 'cause why not?)
I spun around in a hard 180° turn to get a look at his face...
The moment I was looking in his direction, something like a fist, more like a stone or a block of wood wrapped in cloth, struck me, on the bridge of the nose/forehead area.
I felt it, the concussive force, the burn that causes fluid to involuntarily run out of your eyes and nose, that purple/black, electrical flash you get when you are struck in the face.
The start caused me to fling myself out of bed and onto the floor... a rude awakening.
My left eye felt sore.
Over the course of the next 24 hours, a light blue and yellow shading had started to appear around the area wear I had been struck..in my dream state.
My right middle finger swelled up, like somebody bent it back, sprained but not broken.
Bewildered, and skeptical of the ridiculousness of this event, I recount the dream, "What the fuck was that, what the hell did it mean?"
My attempt to dismiss the lunacy of the situation unlocked a childhood memory, a dream that I had forgotten or, more appropriately, completely blocked out.
I was taken back in time...
I had met this thing before..I was six or seven at the time.
No formal introductions between this entity and I, no speech at all..
It presented itself to me.
An unspoken acknowledgment was all we had between us. (It reminds me of the scene in 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose', where the priest sees a cloaked shadow standing in front of him at some distance. Nothing is said, the two bearing witness to each other was enough to convey the idea that this was indeed a conflict.)
To describe this entity to you...or at least what I've seen of it...
I don't like picturing it in my mind..
I feel that acknowledgment gives him power.
It turns my stomach, the smell that emanated in his presence. I smell it. Like a cross between methane and a rotting corpse...
And his towering stature..
The top of his head, bent at a 45° angle where it met the ceiling.
I could only see a portion of his legs..
As cliche as it is, they ended in hooves.
Though the legs they were attached to was not equine or bovine in any regard (the best I can describe is like the legs of an ostrich).
Suffice it to say- That's enough of that, really I'm done with that.. turns my stomach.
Side note: I was a kid. I wasn't allowed to watch scary movies, nor had I a depraved enough mind or influence in my life that would inspire that kind of shit..
Fast forward to our most recent encounter...
In this dream, the entity is standing at the end of a hallway... silently.
Head touching the ceiling as before.
Unable to see his face...
He was there to supervise. (I assume)
Because I see him again at the end of the dream- while I'm being eaten alive by pigs...
I tripped and fell in a hole, a grave shaped hole, that had been dug in the back yard, after fleeing from the house in terror, in search of help for the horrors that I had just been exposed to.
I was covered in blood, from the atrocities that took place inside (it was a farm setting).
I flagged down a couple of farm boys that were in a nearby shed. There were large pigs and dogs wandering about.
My state of panic and blood soaked body excited the dogs, which scared the pigs. The pigs became aggressive and were snapped at the dogs, and me as well.
The air became thick with the fear of panicking animals, as well as my own fear and adrenaline.
Stupefied, I fell into that shallow hole... surrounded on all sides.. tusks and grinding molar, snorting, canine teeth tearing..
In the midst of all this chaos, I gaze up.
And there he is, the entity, standing in the window adjacent to the door I had just fled from.
Bearing witness as always.
Saying nothing.
Explaining nothing.
Only a slender, vertical coffin-like countenance, peering through the pain of a dusty window.