

Lyric 2 whipped But Not Cremed
Oh you got started but
you left me hanging in the battle field
oh they say you never leave a person
But now all these crews just rain on my
parade and it's not that season for
bleeding for them
to creep so deep that I can't even go
out my house and speak
In a heat wave so hot
that it eats at my brain
Oh this Got to be cooled
but oh no they won't let you stop
terroring your own piece of gold
which lays an egg
every day and weekend for you baby
you got me hassy
An out of your view
you all so cold how can I ever
get back my gold.
Why Do the trash men rage
and talk about me to then drive away from view
what sick haters instagate this everyday and pull others to the phone harming
a bunch of crews.

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