

Lake Tahoe CA
It's 3:27am as I begin to type
An east coast darkness differs from the west
California mountains and distant dessert
Back then possibilities felt endless

As a child when I went into Truckee
To the street fair or in the river
When I was at Squaw Valley or by the lake
Something felt more freeing My America

Where I live there is endless beauty
If you walk around and look
But people surround you almost everywhere
Car views don't bring me too much joy

Maybe I'm just used to this region
Surrounded by trees and stuffs crammed
The other side has the same problems
But that was where I felt most blissful

Maybe I was just a child on vacation
But I threw some fits in New Hampshire
In Florida, our capital city and London
On longer vacations over there I barely cried

I never feel blessed in this day in age
Maybe my world has simply changed
But I believe if I was living near Tahoe
I wouldn't still be typing at 3:43am.
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