

“For UNKNOWN And UNLAWFUL Carnal Knowledge!”
”Here she comes!
A most prolific, word-playing floosie lovely with much sparkle within her eyes.
You catch sight of her almost immediately as she instantly kills the entire mood within the room.
Once your willing feet hits the dance floor.
A double secret agent of passion, precision and provocateur.
She has already targeted you and sized you down.
And like a strong drink without a chaser...
You'll go down really nice and easy, smooth and quickly!”

“But what can be said about a man
Who will never miss what he truly never had?
For love is a lethal game when you become the more dangerous type.
Smoke and mirrors creates the mindless and grandest of illusion.
When the most diluted of bleeding hearts flocks towards your guilded stage.
Phony tough and crazy brave still fall mightly to almost anything this forsaken day.
None no greater than either you nor I.
Become such mad and innocent victims for and to unknown and unlawful carnal knowledge!”

“Try convincing yourself with this simple phrase:
‘Such things are trivial and will never EVER happen to me!’
But change sometimes come rather sudden and quickly.
And beforelong, you are in too deep and way above your head.
One thing leads to another.
Because alibis gets comfortably created.
And lies never cares about whosoever tells them!
Then the least important you cling on to and embrace becomes the most irrevelant.
Back to square one your narrow ass will eventually return!

“Humans being human.
This fact will NEVER change!
You might as well face the music and gradually fall your place back in line.
Because the ahead elects for themselves to stay ahead.
And will not take a back seat to anyone!
Where you fit in is where you fit!
Survival is NOT an option if the entire body of ours remains unprepared.
So grab the proverbial golden shovel right now and break yourselves unearthened new ground!

“Try really hard to retain for yourselves the era of your limited temporal existence.
In the most bitterest of the bitter end!
Because when the debris settles and the dust settles...
You and I will all become less than zero remembered!
For the simplistic number of enemies or friends we thought we made or gained.”

“And from the cradle directly to the dirtiest of a dirty grave...
We are the blindest of fools to a cold-hearted master of puppets.
Controlled by corporate ‘Big Brother's finest mother's keeper!
These things and more we shall be independently judged...
And our insaitable greed for money out of the rich ones mere pocket change.
But nary of this will become the judgement of nor by the Almighty Creator Himself!”

“From here to eternity and beyond...
We will be individially sought after and sorted by both rhyme and reason in itself.
With or without the most beloved but uncherished treasure of us all:
Our exposed wisdom for unknown and unlawful carnal knowledge!”

© 2022, 2023 RyderSound® Publishingz!
Online Spoken Word Poetry
Pandora's Pen / GSPro!®
in association with:
Spokane Word Society, LLC
Spokane, Washington

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