

what is love?

Being happy in other's happiness, when
their happiness means more to you than your own life problems, that is love.

Letting go that person & accepting their further decisions instead of involving in their personal life that is love.

Crying when your favourite person cries that is love.

Standing like a pillar behind your favourite person & letting them know that no matter what you'll always be there for them that is love.

Being a mother, father, brother, sister according to the situation for your people that is love.

Having a cup of tea with your dad and having a random conversation with him is love.

Being a child with your siblings is love, feeding them is love.

Having a great conversation with your friends annoying, irritating, them is love.

Reading a book with a cup of coffee is love.

Listening to your favourite song on loop is love.

Planting a tree and looking after it is love.

Helping your mother in the kitchen is love.

Appreciating others when they try something new & supporting them is love.

Being greatful for all the kind things happen around you & cheershing them lifetime is love.

Being thankful to God for having all the wonderful people in your life is love.

Adopting a dog & loving him is love.

Getting angry & scolding our loved ones when they say something they shouldn't say is love.

Bringing flowers, favourite food or chocolates for our parents from our own pocket money is love.

Being a shoulder to lean on for someone in their hard times & making them feel better is love.

Missing your loved ones when they are not around you is love.

Love is everywhere you see; love is not always about a girl & a boy. Love is about everyone & about everything we just have to open our eyes & see the beauty we have around us & will fall in love in that beauty eventually.

© Happywords_28