

Echoes Of Underemembered Days
In the shadowed corridors of memory, Where the past weaves its enigmatic tapestry, I wander, a lost traveler, seeking solace, Yet finding only echoes of love once fierce.

My childhood, a distant whisper, eludes me, Like a half-forgotten dream on the cusp of dawn. High school days, mere fragments, scattered lake leaves, Blown away by the winds of time, irretrievable.

But ah, that two-love affair- A tempest of emotions, a symphony of heartbeats- It clings to my soul, an unyielding vibe, Twisting around my thoughts, refusing release.

I trace the contours of our shared laughter, The warmth of intertwined fingers, secrets whispered.
Yet, as the seasons change, so do hearts, And I stand frozen, unable to let go.

The world moves forward, dances its rhythm, While I linger in the sepia of our past, Why can’t I move on as others do? Is it weakness or strength to hold onto love’s ghost?

Perhaps oblivion is a gift, a merciful veil, Shielding us from the ache of half-remembered moments, But I, stubborn and tethered, remain here, Caught between what was and what could never be.

So let me linger, my heart a silent sentinel, Guarding the fragile shards of our love story. For in this labyrinth of memories, I find both solace and sorrow, my eternal paradox.

-Laura So

© LauraGemini