

Believe Beyond Belief
The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But some would say their was no hope in sight.

The wonder of a child dancing in
time stopped and refused participation.

Her heart yerns and beats a pattern calling to her love with its baton.

Listening to negative voices she chose not
Their love is strong their
hearts tied in a knot.

Days have gone nights have past
her heart beats the song in absolute belief
her love will come at last.

She imagines what will be
she feels how it feels
as if it's already happened and her love has been revealed.

Unshaken belief protected from the slightest doubt
despite the odds and the naysayers she remains devout.

The universe hears her call and turns the cosmic tides
her love is pulled to her on a magical ride.

The day is here exactly as she thought
right down to every detail even to what her love had brought.

As she held her love in her arms she looked up above
thank you, thank you, thank you for sending my love.

© George Jodan