

Your story
My life is an open book,

That led me through every nook,

And every corner of discovery,

Of life's long journey.

I found my way to a picket fence,

white, no crack on, not even an inch.

To my left is a continuation of a dream far gone.

To my right is a goal that's not mine, it feels wrong.

It's a battle between what I want for myself,

and what others want me to do for them, my so called "help".

My life may be an open book for the masses,

but for me, my life is as shut as a caskets.

I try my best to keep the beast satisfied,

but it's so hard when it preys on me from the inside.

So, right or left? What do I choose?

Well, I dont know. The story isn't up to me, it's up to you.
© Liyah Lee