



You know tears
Don’t ever keep a man
They don’t make him stay
Ya he may feel bad or not,
He still has that power,
You shouldn’t let him make
You cry in the first place…
Let alone see you in misery…
Honestly he doesn’t give fucks
That you’re in pain….

The pain he caused you,
I know….
You wanna teach him a lesson,
Perhaps a revenge….
Tears don’t make him apologize…
Don’t make him feel bad….
He doesn’t pay attention to you
So you mope around….

Tears doesn’t get him back….
I used to be you…cryin over some guy
Who doesn’t give a damn….
It was awful, painful, and pathetic….
One staff told me you write poetry
You put poetry into a song
Men love that shit, men will go for
That shit….stop cryin…
With that statement she reminded me
Of how amazin I am, how beautiful you are
Fuck that guy….

So I’m sayin this to you, lady
I’m remindin that you’re amazin
You’re beautiful….
Tears are tears, Let it all out of your system
Cos there’s no reason for cryin over some boy….
He’s just a boy who doesn’t know how to love….
Doesn’t know how to love you in a correct way…
A real man who wants to make you smile all the time…
Wants to see you in tears of joy and laughter….

A real man, ya he’s not goin to make you cry
See you in misery everyday….
Only fuckboys will enjoy your sufferings…

As I said before
There’s no reason for cryin over some boy….
You know a boy never grow up to be a man….
A boy who chose to stay a boy….
Us ladies we shouldn’t cry over that
Even if our hearts are achin
We shouldn’t have tears for heartbreakers……
And you know what, he ain’t thinkin about you….

Breakups are so
Difficult, so cold
But they will remind us
Our self worth
To be conscious of
Our self worth…

You gotta stop worryin
About that man…that man
Who bring tears to your eyes
Every night…

Again, he ain’t thinkin about you….❣️💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 6-17-24
© Kai C..