

A love story
In fields of green, where wildflowers sway,
Two hearts collided on a fateful day.
She, a vision of grace, with eyes like the dawn,
He, a wandering soul, his past withdrawn.

Underneath the azure sky's embrace,
They danced together in a lover's chase.
With every step, their spirits entwined,
In a timeless waltz, their destinies aligned.

Through seasons of laughter and tears they strode,
In each other's arms, they found their abode.
Through trials and triumphs, their bond grew strong,
A melody of love, a never-ending song.

Hand in hand, they faced life's stormy sea,
With unwavering faith in their unity.
Through darkest nights and brightest days,
Their love, a beacon, lighting their ways.

And as the years weave their tapestry,
Their love remains a cherished legacy.
For in each other's embrace, they find,
A love eternal, pure and kind.
© shanita

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